Thursday, December 12, 2013

Team agreement

We plan to divide are background information into three sections. Section one's topic will be how different flowers pollinate. Section two will discuss the relation between the rose and the primrose (if there is any). The third and final section will cover different pollen sizes and shapes. I will write section three, Haven will write section one, and Toby will write section two. Also for the Procedure section of our blog we plan to divide the steps in our experiment evenly between the three of us. We plan to do the same with pictures gained from our experiment and captions describing them.

Haven will write up the directions of how to make the SEM slide, she will do 6 photos of pollen from the SEM and include explanations with those.

Henry will write up how to load the slide into the SEM, and how to made the slide, also he with take the other 6 photos and put captions and explanations on those.

Toby will write up how to take photos, label and measure on the SEM, also he will doing the pollen grains information and the table.

Haven completed the Leica photos with there description/analysis
Henry and Haven completed the phylogenetic trees on both pollen morphology and protein sequences
(Toby was sick that day)
Henry did the Analysis of the phylogenetic trees

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